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Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Episode 1.09 - Fleur de Lis: Richard Haggans, a rich CEO hires Mick to follow Tina, his much younger trophy wife, believing because of her recent actions that she is cheating on him. Mick meets Morgan at a public restaurant to talk and have her help him follow and take pictures of Tina. Tina meets a man who turns out to be her stepson Owen. Morgan catches a picture of Tina and the young man kissing. Mick thinks he hears them saying that if her husband finds out, he'll kill them. Morgan later listens to the recorded file and hears their plans to kill Richard instead. When Mick goes to confront Owen, Tina shoots him in the back of the head. Beth has flashbacks to her childhood abduction after researching Morgan because of her jealousy over Mick working together with the woman. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Episode 1.10 - Sleeping Beauty: We meet a very old, dying man named Richard Whitley who has had a man searching for Josef. He tells the man to hunt him down and kill him. The man attacks Josef's office with fire, turning everything to ash. Josef lets Mick and the Head of Building Security, Tom, take the reigns of the investigation. To keep Josef safe, he stays hidden and Mick and Beth keep his being "alive" a secret from everyone, including Tom. Beth and Mick visit Richard Whitley who tells them in 1955, Josef killed his daughter so before he dies, he wanted revenge. Beth and Mick visit an unconscious Coraline in the hospital. Later, Coraline nearly transforms into a vampire and kills a nurse but stops herself, then later escapes into the night out the window. Source: SpoilerFix.com


  1. The episodes on Moonlight are just getting better. It is a really good show with a lot of potential for a long term run. I wasn't sure after watching the first episode, but I have stuck with it and feel that my patience is being rewarded. I really recommend this show. It is different and hasn't been put into the limitations of the old vampire genre. I hope that it is around for several seasons.

  2. Fleur de Lis was some episode. So far the best yet. Can't wait to see what comes of the story from this episode. This show is really getting addictive!

  3. I agree with with first comment...wasn't sure either with the first episode, but I really like it now. I want Beth and Mick together, the show doesn't need Coraline. There is plenty to see without her.

  4. Moonlight is awesome. I agree that Coraline isn't needed. We fell in love with Mick and Beth - they have great chemistry. Great show.

  5. I love, love love this show...It gets better every week, can Mick get any hotter!!!I love Beth and I do not like Coraline, but I have a feeling she won't be around alot, thank goodness...Please keep this show going!!

  6. I guess that no romance can ever go smoothly! Coraline will be the fly in the ointment for Beth and Mick. She will pop back up when she can cause the most mess for them I'm sure, which will be her continued value. They will never be able to take their relationship for granted! My question is now that Mick knows Coraline is alive, how will he be made to react? He will protect Beth more intensely than ever, but will he start thinking of his marriage vows again? He's supposedly never been unfaithful! The possibilities with this show's stories are so varied. It will never be boaring!

  7. I can't wait for the Sleeping Beauty episode! I hope that it brings some resolution for both Mick and Beth around Coraline. She needs to vanish into the sunset for a while. A little bit goes a long way, too much drags. The story line with Josef sounds great. I really like his character. And I like stories that revolve around things that the guys did in the past. That can be a really great story resource.

  8. I am totally addicted to this show! I want more! Lots and lots more!!!! This is one of those shows that they can do just about anything with and still be good. I love the characters and Alex O. is devine! Oh and I agree - enough Coraline keep her to a minamum but give more Josef!

  9. This is by far one of the best new shows of the season. I have watched each episode and can't wait for the new ones to start back in January. I watched it initially because I am a fan of Alex's and have not been displeased with any episode so far.
